
Maternity Nurse 

The first days after your baby is born, is a very special time of transition from being pregnant into starting parenthood. Aside of all the emotional and practical changes that come with receiving your new baby. This is a time when there are also many physical changes that make the transition from pregnancy to parenthood. 

 I consider the first weeks with your baby very important time to bond and get to know your newborn.

My vision is to support you to care for your baby the way that feels right for you. My services are adapted to support you, to do things your way and discover what works best for you and your baby.

I also bring with me extensive experience and knowledge with; babies, breastfeeding, and natural ways to restore and balance our bodies, mind, and soul.

I am a certified and registered Kraamzorg Plus which means that my care is covered by your Dutch health insurance, it also means that I am trained to care for the health of you and your new born for the first 8-10 days of life. I follow regular medical traning to ensure my knowlege is up to date. The "Plus" means that I am certified to provide more medical help so in some cases you can come home earlier from the hospital and I can care for your at home. Besides all that I can offer you extra holisctic care that is not normaly included in the regular kraamzorg care.

What does my care look like:

First of all we have a call to see if I am available on your due date and if the care I give is suitable  for your needs. If we agree to work toegther later in your pregnant I have a extensive talk with you and your partner about your needs, wishes, expectations, experiences, situation etc. Together we make a postpartum plan of what is really important  for you this week that I will be taking care of you.    

At the birth I join at the end to support your midwife. In case of any medical emergency you would have 2 trained professionals to help you.

After the birth I will take care of your for the first 8 days this is approximately 9 hours of care (depending on your personal situation it might be more or less hours).

 What will I do this 8 days? My most important role is to care for the wellbeing of you and your new born, this includes observing and monitoring the developmet and changes, supporting you to recover form the pregnancy and birth, asisting you to get rest and helping you find your way in this new role as a mother. I teach and support you and your partner to bond, understand, feed and take care of your new born baby.

This are some of the skills I bring with me:

I work together with the Holistic midwife Jooske van Rijssel